
T h a m i r A l s h a m m a r i

What is BSCA?

Binary Sequence Cumulative Algorithm (BSCA) is a mathematical process that draws a unique relation between binary strings and integers. BSCA introduces a new decimal representation of binary other than the power of 2. The power of a BSCA process is based on the addition mathematical operation. The BSCA function accepts a binary string as input and generates two unique relatively prime integers as output, called the Binary Pair (A, B).

BSCA Function

Let A represents the zeros and B represents the ones. Given an arbitrary binary string S of length N ≥ 1, there exist two unique relatively prime integers A,B Є ℤ if we initiate A0, B0 with 1 and cumulatively exchange the sum of Ai , Bi based on their round positions in Si :

BSCA Properties

  • anbn
  • an , bn > 0
  • GCD⁡(an , bn) = 1
  • There exists multiplicative inverse dn such that dnbn ≡ 1 mod an
  • Min⁡ value of an , bn = 1
  • Max⁡ value of an , bn is computed by Binet's Formula:


